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- 2019 / 2020: TECHNO DAYS RAGAZZE (Techno days Girls) in collaboration with ENFAP, Regione Emilia Romagna and European Social Fund for high school students in Bologna.
- 2019: L’ARTE è DONNA – Vivian Maier e il segreto della fotografia (Vivian Maier and her secret photographs) – organized by BOLOGNA MUSEI – Industrial Heritage Museum – Bologna.
- 2019: LE FOTOGRAFE AFRICANE (African women photographers) – with slide show – Amilcar Cabral Public Library – Bologna.
- 2017: IL REPORTAGE FOTOGRAFICO (Photojournalism) workshop in E. Fermi High School – Bologna.
- 2016: L’IMMAGINE DELLA DONNA NEI MEDIA: DAGLI STEREOTIPI ALL’AUTORAPPRESENTAZIONE – (The image of women in the media: from the stereotype to self-representation) in collaboration with CNA / Periferie Creative – Borges Public Library – Bologna.
- 2016: LA VITA E LA LOTTA DELLE DONNE (slide-show about women’s struggles and lives) – ARCI Bertold Brecht Circle- Bologna.
- 2015 / 2019: WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHERS SINCE 19th CENTURY TILL NOW – lecture with slide show at: Women’s Center – Bologna Town Council, Women’s Center in Milano, Women’s Center in Ravenna, Biblioteca Malatestiana in Cesena, Library and Women’s Center in Ferrara, Studio Fondazione Marangoni in Florence, Public Library in Imola, Bookshop COOP / Zanichelli in Bologna, Paoletti School of Photography in Bologna, Savignano Immagini in Savignano sul Rubicone, Public Library in San Giorgio di Piano (BO).
- 2013: ENERGIA ROSA – CNA Impresa Donna – March8th.
- 2012 / 2017: MASTER CLASSES IN PORTRAIT, still-life AND architeCturE – High School for Design and Advertising BVSL in Bologna.
- 2012: L’IMMAGINE DELLA DONNA NEI MEDIA: DAGLI STEREOTIPI ALL’AUTORAPPRESENTAZIONE – (The image of women in the media: from the stereotype to self-representation) – lecture with slide show in “La Violenza Illustrata” Festival – Bologna.
- 2012: L’IMMAGINE DELLA DONNA NEI MEDIA: DAGLI STEREOTIPI ALL’AUTORAPPRESENTAZIONE – (The image of women in the media: from the stereotype to self-representation) – Lecture Hall -Emilia Romagna Department.
- 2011: L’IMMAGINE DELLA DONNA NEI MEDIA: DAGLI STEREOTIPI ALL’AUTORAPPRESENTAZIONE – (The image of women in the media: from the stereotype to self-representation) – Ferrara University – Italy.
- 2010: L’IMMAGINE DELLA DONNA NEI MEDIA: DAGLI STEREOTIPI ALL’AUTORAPPRESENTAZIONE – (The image of women in the media: from the stereotype to self-representation) – CNA Impresa Donna Convention Emilia Romagna.
- 2009: ORVIETO FOTOGRAFIA CONVENTION – Report about the census on European women photographers attending “Women Photographers’ net” project and about the Professional Association “Women In Photography International”.
- 2008: L’APPETITO VIEN CON GLI OCCHI (Appetite comes with eyes) in collaboration with the photographer Medardo Pedrini – lecture about food photography – “Baccanale 08” – Imola – Italy.
- 2007: IDENTITÀ E IMMIGRAZIONE: UN RACCONTO PER IMMAGINI (Immigrant girls and their identity: a tale by pictures). She guided young immigrant girls in the production of a personal photo album to assert and appreciate their own identity in a creative and positive way. The project, which terminated with a final exhibition, was sponsored by Banca del Monte and organized by women’s Association Armonie – Bologna, Italy.
- 2007: IDENTITÀ E IMMIGRAZIONE: UN RACCONTO PER IMMAGINI (Immigrant women and their identity: a tale by pictures: a tale by pictures), workshop for immigrant women working as domestic aid for the realisation of their own photo album as means to streighten their own identity in a transition moment. The workshops has been realized in different towns of Emilia Romagna, Italy, in collaboration with European Community and Emilia Romagna Region, Italy.
- 2003: WORKSHOP ABOUT PHOTOJOURNALISM – University of Bologna – Italy.
- 1988: WORKSHOP ABOUT ARCHEOLOGICAL PHOTOGRAPHY, organized by the European Community and Valle d’Aosta Region for the training of archaeological maintenance personnel- Aosta – Italy.
- 2001/2017: Photography Teacher at “BVSL” High School for graphic design – Bologna – Italy.
- 1995/06: Photography Teacher (history and criticism): University “Aperta” – Imola – Italy.
- 1993/04: Photography Teacher (history and technique): University “Primo Levi”- Bologna – Italy.
- 2012/13: A SHUT AT THE MUSEUM – realized with the students of BVSL school for graphic design in San Domenico Museum, in collaboration with teacher Nu Trivisone (graphic design) – Imola, Italy.
- 2004/05: COMENIUS PROJECT: MULTICULTURE AMONG TEENAGERS. Project sponsored by the European Community – in Bologna and Barcelona with the students of BVSL and EPSS schools for graphic design in collaboration with teachers Riccardo Ceccarelli (Architect), Laura Ramirez Dominguez (Web design), Esteban Fernandez and Nu Trivisone (graphic design).
- 2003/04: URBANO: EXEMPLA TRAHUNT with the students of BVSL school for graphic design about urban design in Barcelona in collaboration with teachers: Riccardo Ceccarelli (Architect) and Eleonora Parise (graphic design).
- 2002/03: EMOSCIÒN – realized with the students of BVSL school for graphic design. Architecture and town planning in Barcelona in collaboration with teachers Riccardo Ceccarelli (Architect) and Nu Trivisone (graphic design).